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Start with a nonstick omelet pan. Heat a small nugget
of butter over medium heat. (Successful omelets are not made
at low heat.)
Beat together the eggs and 1 tablespoon cold water for
each egg.
Once the eggs are in the pan, use a spatula to gently
pull the mixture away from the sides of the pan and into the
Use a constant circular motion.
Once the mixture resembles very soft scrambled eggs,
start lifting the edges and tipping the extra liquid under-
Sprinkle your filling ingredients over 1/2 of the
omelet. (Right hand side if you are using your left hand on
the handle of the pan.) Let cook a few seconds more.
Tip the pan over a warm serving plate and slide the
omelet onto the plate, tipping the unfilled or left hand side
of the omelet over the filling in a rolling motion.
The finished omelet will look rolled and browned on the

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