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4 fish filets, *
(approximately 1/2 lb.
1 small onion, sliced thin
seasoned salt
1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. cream sherry

Lay fish filets in shallow glass baking dish. Squeeze
or pour lime juice generously over filets; turn filets and
repeat. Dip onion slices in excess juice in baking dish. Salt
fish and onion; place onion slices on fish and allow to stand
at room temperature for 20 minutes. Start preheating oven to
250 degrees. When fish are through marinating, carefully lift them
from baking dish and set aside. Place butter in baking dish
and melt, stirring together with lime juice when completely
liquid. Place fish back in baking dish and baste generously
with butter-lime mixture (warm). Pour room temperature sherry
over fish and immediately place in oven. Bake for 15 to 20
minutes, depending on thickness of filets, basting once or
twice during cooking process with liquid from bottom of dish.
To Serve: Warm luncheon size plate, place fish on
individual plates and divide sherry butter sauce evenly on each
portion. Serves 4.
Note: In Key West we wouldn't consider using anything
other than Key limes, but other types of lime or reconstituted
lime juice will do. My favorite fish for this recipe is

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