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5 chicken thigh quarters
3 qt. water
salt to taste
self-rising flour (to
accommodate 1 1/2 c. broth)

Cut chicken thighs up and cover with 3 quarts water.
Cook until tender. Debone chicken, discarding the skin and the
fat. Cut the lean chicken into small pieces.
Reserve 1 1/2 cups chicken broth and let it get milk
warm. Sift enough self-rising flour in large bowl, in the
shape of a heap, then making a hole in the center to accommo-
date the broth. Gradually add the broth and mix the flour in
gradually until the dough is stiff enough to roll out. Roll
out real thin; cut into narrow strips about 1-inch wide. Bring
the remaining chicken broth to a boil. Add a layer of chicken,
then lay the strips of dough across your hand, pinching a piece
of dough off about 2 or 3-inches long and drop for your dump-
Cover and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes. Uncover
and put another layer of chicken in pot. Take a potato masher
and hold down the previous layer of dumplings and add another
layer of dumplings; cover and let dumplings cook for 5 minutes.
Repeat layers of chicken and dumplings. Serve and enjoy.
Tried and true recipe.

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