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Meat Mixture:

3 lb. pork shoulder, boiled
and ground
3 lb. beef, ground
2 Tbsp. salt
7 Tbsp. chili powder
2 to 4 c. broth, depending on
dryness of meat
10 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. cumin (comino)

Simmer ground beef slow until done. Doesn't have to be
brown. Add ground pork and mix well. Pour mixture of spices
into meat mixture. Add broth until holds together. If you
desire you can use ground pepper or ground cumin seed in

Masa (Dough):
6 lb. masa (buy at tortilla
factory or at Kroger's)
3 Tbsp. chili powder
2 Tbsp. salt
1 1/2 c. melted lard (can use
fat from boiled pork)
Mix together until well blended. Use corn husks or
aluminum foil for wrappings. Soak corn husks in warm water
several hours. Pat dry with towel or use 8 x 6-inch squares of
foil. Measure 2 tablespoons of dough onto each tamale wrap or
foil; spread to 5 x 3-inch rectangular size; add 1 scant
tablespoon meat mixture to dough; roll up and fold or tie ends.
Place tamales on rack in steamer or electric skillet; add water
to just below rack level. Steam for 40 to 45 minutes or until
test tamale pulls away from wrapper. Add water as needed.
Note: Tamales must be eaten when done, or wrapped in
moisture, vapor proof material and frozen. To reheat remove
moisture, vapor proof wrap and steam or heat in oven. Watch
closely as tamales spoil fast. Yield: 16 dozen. You will
need help to make.

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