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1 (3 1/2 or 4 lb.) frying or
roasting chicken (whole)
5 cloves garlic, peeled, but
left whole
olive oil
1 tsp. rosemary

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. It will take at least 1/2 hour to
preheat and stabilize the oven. Thoroughly wash the chicken
inside and out. With infinite patience dry the bird, particu-
larly the outside with paper towels. It will not brown proper-
ly unless completely dry. Put garlic in the cavity and salt
and pepper the cavity generously. Add 1/2 teaspoon of rosemary
to the cavity. With your hands, thoroughly wash the chicken
with olive oil. Be generous in coating every exterior part,
including the folds at the joints. Salt and pepper the chicken
and sprinkle with another 1/2 teaspoon of rosemary.
Put the chicken on its side on a rack in a roasting pan.
Pour 1/4 cup of olive oil into the bottom of the roasting pan
and add the neck and giblets. Put in the oven. At the end of
15 minutes, turn chicken on its other side and baste thorough-
ly. At the end of the next 15 minutes, turn the chicken on its
back (where it will remain until done) and again baste thor-
oughly and carefully with the pan juices. Baste again in 15
minutes and at the end of the hour the chicken should be done.
Remove from the roasting pan. Pour the juices from the cavity
into the roasting pan and then baste the entire chicken with
the juices in the roasting pan. You are now ready to serve!

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