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5 c. flour
4 c. boiling water

Pour the boiling water over the flour. Use a big spoon
for mixing as dough will be really hot. Mix until smooth so it
will be easy to roll out (like a pie shell); grease frypan
before frying. Also oil both sides of roti and fry. Keep it
warm in a covered pan or bowl while frying the remaining roti.
Serve with curry. Make them the size of taco shells.

1 lb. beef
1 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. garlic
1/3 c. onion
1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 Tbsp. curry powder
1 Tbsp. oil
2 potatoes
Heat the oil first. Fry the ginger, garlic and the
onion until brown. Add the salt and curry powder. Stir for
about 2 minutes. Add small cubes of beef and let it cook until
the beef is tender. Then add potato cubes. If the meat is
kind of dry, add a little water. Also the meat and potatoes
will cook better. When curry mixture is done, put some in each
roti shell (something like tacos) and wrap the roti shell
around the curry mixture (like a package). Makes 10 servings.

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